Your article reminded me of something that's bugged me about this ideological moment for years now. That is, its lax epistemology makes it impressively easy to get theory-quoting leftists to espouse shockingly conservative views, under the guise of listening to xyz voices. Thinking of my own people group, anyone who claims to have the "true" Jewish take on something should certainly not be listened to on anything -- but yet this is what has happened, over and over, in determining how to Solve Oppression.

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Excellent piece. It reminded me of Wendy Brown’s classic critique of identity politics in “Wounded Attachments”.

I find that another useful (and compatible) approach to thinking about wokeness is to understand it as moral project. Its aim would be establish strict and enforceable rules and regulations via media and bureaucratic power, as a reaction against secularization and social and moral liberalization (post death-of-God, decline of symbolic efficiency, incredulity toward metanarratives, etc.). Olivier Roy develops that thesis on The Crisis of Culture.

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what comes next? a forceful return of the repressed

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